Do You Want to Wand Wash Your Vintage Car Perfectly?

The real happiness of owning a vintage car is ineffable and only the owner can feel this. Your heart flares up with pride especially when you drive a well-maintained and a squeaky clean Chevrolet Corvette or a sleek Jaguar E-Type. You do all that it takes to keep dust, grime and dirt away to prevent damage, including selecting the best type of car wash. On this note, do you know the type of car wash that vintage car owners prefer the most? You have guessed it right – wand wash. A majority of car owners choose premium service for wand wash in Calgary or elsewhere. 

What is wand wash?

Wand wash, also popularly known as self-serve car wash, is where the owner cleans the car himself instead of getting it done by a car wash professional. All you have to do is take it to a reputable car wash facility and perform the car wash on your own. You can bring your own cleaning equipment/tools or use the ones present in the facility, the choice is yours. In the end, just make the payment and drive back a spotless and sparkling vintage car. 

What is the right way to wand wash your vintage car?

To preserve your classic car’s condition, it is important to know how to wash your car in the right way. Should the professionals do it, you can be at ease but if you opt for a self-serve car wash, you have a bigger responsibility; you need to know the correct way to wash your vintage vehicle to obtain the best results. So, here are the right steps to wand wash your classic car:

1.Begin from the top: This is relevant for all kinds of vehicles, be it modern or vintage. By starting from the top, all kinds of impurities fall reducing the chance of dirtying the already clean areas. On the other hand, if you clean the bottom of your car first, oil, grease and dirt will easily smear the upper portion of your vehicle. Hence, the key to a successful self-serve car wash is beginning from the top.

2.Have the right soap: You cannot use any soap you want to clean your classic possession. For example: using dish soap is a strict no-no. Scrubbing out grease from utensils and cars are two very different things; so, while dish soap is perfect for your kitchen space, on your classic car, it is detrimental as it contains harsh chemicals. Use a professional car wash soap; it will leave your vintage possession looking marvellous as it should. 

3.Wheels? In the end please: Clean wheels are equally important if you want to ensure the first-class condition of your car. Start cleaning the wheels after you finish cleaning the painted portions. Remember! The wheels are the dirtiest area of your car, the grime and dirt may be too stubborn to be removed. So apply lots of soap and cleaning agents on the tires and leave it for a while before rinsing them. 

4.A final rinse: A majority of car owners ignore this step as little is known about the magic of this final step! Now that you have cleaned your vehicle, it is time for one final rinse. Use the facility’s hose to rinse your car with a jet of free-flowing water. This final rinse will remove any kind of soap and foam residue and give you a super shiny vintage car. 

Conclusion: There is nothing more satisfying than cleaning your own car and seeing it bright and clear. A well-maintained vintage car is something that you can take pride in. Remembering these essential steps while performing wand wash will provide you with better results and make your prized property look spectacular. To know more about our self-serve car wash, hear from us on 403-247-8338


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